You can participate in this contest by completing all offerwalls.
The top 5 members who complete the most offerwalls will win!
The position member will win 25% his total earnings from offerwalls straight into his money Main Balance .
Second place will win 20% his earnings, 3rd will win 15% his earnings,4th will win 10% his earnings,5th will win 8% his earnings. 6th to 10th spot member who will win 5% his earnings.
Click Here And Strat Earning
Position | Username | Offers Completed | Total Earned | Total Prize |
#1 | AbdullahMisri | 4 | $2.5310 | $0.6328 |
#2 | TMBaloch | 1 | $1.5210 | $0.3042 |
#3 | JohnCobra | 1 | $1.5210 | $0.2282 |
#4 | ramosbin | 1 | $0.3100 | $0.0310 |
#5 | gags51 | 3 | $0.0700 | $0.0056 |
#6 | remy1210 | 1 | $0.0700 | $0.0035 |
#7 | surpaul | 1 | $0.0672 | $0.0034 |
#8 | Federar | 2 | $0.0550 | $0.0028 |
#9 | jale3452 | 1 | $0.0400 | $0.0020 |
#10 | psailia93 | 1 | $0.0389 | $0.0019 |
#11 | HEMANTA | 2 | $0.0323 | $0.0000 |
#12 | aerdom | 5 | $0.0250 | $0.0000 |
#13 | bajrasanir | 2 | $0.0130 | $0.0000 |
#14 | Deconfiance | 2 | $0.0100 | $0.0000 |
#15 | logaloon | 1 | $0.0077 | $0.0000 |
#16 | VladaPi | 1 | $0.0063 | $0.0000 |
#17 | Riodyalo | 1 | $0.0056 | $0.0000 |
#18 | hasherislive10 | 1 | $0.0053 | $0.0000 |
#19 | DHRUVSHOORY26 | 1 | $0.0050 | $0.0000 |
#20 | Fs123456 | 1 | $0.0050 | $0.0000 |
#21 | Kausar976 | 1 | $0.0050 | $0.0000 |
#22 | shaka | 1 | $0.0050 | $0.0000 |
#23 | Arsalanss | 1 | $0.0050 | $0.0000 |
#24 | Alaasami | 1 | $0.0050 | $0.0000 |
#25 | waddhalmandel | 1 | $0.0050 | $0.0000 |